Baptist Press Tag Search

Stories tagged with: persecuted church

Found 353 stories matching your search criteria.

Displaying page 1 of 36 total pages.

  • Report: In China 'there is no longer a safe place to be a Christian'

  • Apostasy decriminalized in Sudan under new fundamental freedoms act

  • U.S. urged to open doors to Christian refugees, asylum seekers

  • Christian mother of four in India persecuted before her death

  • Amid rising Christian persecution, Turkey denies visa to pastor's American wife

  • With 'hundreds' of Christians killed in Nigeria in June, USCIRF urges Nigerian government to intervene

  • June 7 designated Southern Baptist Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church

  • 25 Christians killed in Nigeria's Middle Belt in April

  • Amid pandemic, consider the persecuted church

  • Persecuted pastors share Gospel while jailed in India